The Moscow Mule. I don’t think I had ever heard of this magnificent drink until we moved to LA. My friend, Lauren, told me that she really liked them and I nodded along in agreement in order to not look like a complete idiot. Needless to say, I ended up having to ask her what it was and admit that I had never heard of this drink before. Thankfully, she is from Texas – and I went to Tech with her – so she graciously told me without too much laughter. Now it has become one of my favorite drinks – don’t worry chilton you are still my numero uno – but this past week I have consumed a few Moscow’s.
We have had some wonderful people (we met at church) and their beautiful little girl staying with us this past week. Their names are Joanna and Andrew Hyatt. Andrew is a filmmaker that is beginning a new project – I have been lucky enough to hear what it is and it is going to be AWESOME – that was originally going to be filmed in San Diego. So, in order to not have long periods away from each other they planned to move out of their apartment and move to San Diego. As we all know, the movie business is crazy and changes each moment, so they are now filming in LA. Bad news for them because they had already gotten someone else to move into their apartment and were packed up. Good news for us though because that’s how we got the amazing pleasure of having them in our home for a while! They are incredible people and parents and Kyle and I are so lucky to get to spend this time with them. Also, Joanna is a speaker and author on sex and relationships and is very good at what she does. Please take a look at what these two people do in their careers, and you will understand a little more about how lucky we are to be known and loved by them! Check out Andrew here and Joanna here.
All this to say, the Moscow Mule has been a big hit around here with Joanna and me. It is the best summer drink, and also the best to drink while playing a little Wits and Wagers. If you don’t know what that game is you have to go buy and play it right now! It’s the best. Having them in our home, we have also had some amazing food, which includes the white nectarine cake in the previous picture. When they’re back with us next week I’m sure that we’ll make it again and I will share the recipe with you. It is delicious, and my husband actually ate it!! I mean he scraped the nectarines off and put powdered sugar on it, but baby steps, right?! Here is the recipe for the Moscow Mule. It’s a simple one but you can add your own flavor to it. I like mine pretty simple, but I have had one with chocolate bitters in it and – not going to lie – it was pretty darn good, too.

PS. My friend Lauren is an amazing calligraphy artist. She is working on her website now so until it is up and running follow her on Instagram! It is @mrslauren_evans