The Giving Keys. Those words had no meaning for me until recently. All the wonderful people here in LA that I have become close with – mostly from our church – are connected to this business in one way or another, mainly through the owner. After seeing my friends wearing keys and hearing about it, I finally decided to really see what The Giving Keys was all about. When I did, I was blown away.
Missions to help those who are dealing with homelessness are very close to my heart. I was able to come and serve the homeless of LA when I was in college, and was able to see some of the businesses that are on mission to help those who are in homelessness, and those who are trying to get out. This area of mission is so hard, but in desperate need to be in place. The premise behind this business is amazing to me. As soon as I read the stories from how they got started, to the successes of the men and women working and able to – not only get out of being homeless – but saving up to buy a car, made me want to support them in any way I could.
The first step was buying a key. The beauty of the key is that you are helping provide work for someone, but the keys also help you. I really wanted to get a key that had a word on it that I knew meant something to me. So, I chose COURAGE. If you read my last post then you know that fear is something that has crippled me in some ways while Kyle has been gone. I decided I was not going to let it do that any longer. While I wear this key I am going to have courage to go try new things and put myself out there, even if that means being a little vulnerable. I will be sad when it is time to give the key to someone else who needs it, but happy at the same time. When it is that time I am going to be thankful that fear is no longer something that is prevalent in my life, but something that through Jesus, my husband, family, and amazing friends, I will have overcome!
The second step is to get you to buy a key, too! I really encourage you to look at their website and blog. Read the stories and let them impact you the way they did me! I also convinced my friend Lindsay to take some pictures of me and the necklace so you can see how awesome it looks and how you absolutely need one! These pictures also represent me having courage because we were on the roof of our building and it definitely felt like parts could have caved in!